Comics Outmash
Comics Outmash is a project that I started with friends managing a book club in France. I started writing about this project to talk about the technological choices I made and the fun stuff I did.
This blog is mostly about my journey as a software engineer, so a lot of the content is under this generic category, unless attached to a specific project that I wanted to put emphasis on. Some of the stuff I’ve been worked on are available on my GitHub.
- Using and testing Vapor Queues
- Agamotto is available on GitHub
- Keeping on keeping my dependencies up to date
- My command line toolbet
- Using Tagged to write safer Swift code
- Writing a commit message with Swift
- Using a custom editor with Git
- Using swift-format from a docker container
- How to archive a macOS application containing multiple targets
- On getting started with Kubernetes
- Extracting checklists from Bear notes with Swift
- I made an Android app for Buddybuild
- Synchronizing colours from an Xcode project to a Sketch document
- Introducing Batman
- Handling keyboard notifications with ReactiveSwift
- Make your codebase more reactive with ReactiveSwift and protocol extensions
- Grouping elements of a Sequence in Swift
- Keep calm and open a playground
- Type Erasure in Swift*
- Looking for projects using ReactiveCocoa?
- A love letter to reduce
- Debugging the random
- Shipping Rewatch 1.0
- Throwback friday: Adobe Flex and Air
- Wipe your DerivedData folder with this one simple trick
- Introducing NaughtyKeyboard, a keyboard to break your apps
- Wrapping Facebook's FBSDKCoreKit with ReactiveCocoa 3.0
- Setting up Facebook in your iOS application
- Playing (music) with git notes
I’m pretty passionated about continuous integration, deployment and automation in general.
Tiny display project
A few years back I bought a Pimoroni Hyperpixel 4 and a Raspberry Pi Zero. I put them together to make a tiny monitor (codenamed “Harkness”) that stays on my desk and shows the latest commit I’ve made. I have plans to dust this project and make it better.
- Scrobbler, No Scrobbling!
- I met with GitHub to talk about Copilot
- I’m looking for a job as a software engineer
- Colorful updates
- 2023 in review