Agamotto is available on GitHub

It’s official, I’ve left Apple. This is the kind of news that warrants its own post, but right now it means two things. First, I no longer have a “friends and family” discount on most Apple products, which means that my number of friends has decreased by a lot. More importantly, it means that I can share code with the rest of the world, so I did just that.

Agamotto is a… I’m kidding. I’ve already written about it twice, here and here. It started as a side project and then turned into a fun sandbox to play with a bunch of Swift concepts such as using the new (at the time) async/await APIs, building and releasing a command line tool with homebrew, using GitHub’s OpenAPI specification to generate a (tiny) GitHub API client…

To be totally transparent, I am not writing a whole lot of Swift these days, so it’s unlikely that this project will see significant updates in the immediate future. That being said, like all the cool people say, pull requests and issues are more than welcome.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve missed this.

Agamotto is now available on GitHub and can be installed using homebrew.