2023 - Week 27

I wanted to write tonight as I’m fighting jet-lag, hoping to go to bed no sooner than 8:30pm. I’ve been following Chris’ weekly notes for a little while now and I’ve been enjoying the format. Without any hopes of making this a weekly things, I’ve decided to experiment with notes of my own. So let’s do this.

  • I recorded a session for WWDC 23 about Xcode Cloud. It was a lot of work but a truly awesome experience. I’ve received good feedback from friends, colleagues, and developers whose work I’ve always found inspiring. I’m very proud of this achievement. You can watch the video here.
  • I just spent a whole month in France, spending time between family and friends and working remotely for two of those four weeks. While I did miss having my team around to ask questions, being in a different timezone allowed me to chat with people I usually miss because they live on the other side of the ocean. I was still able to get a decent amount of work done despite a terrible internet connection in the last few days.
  • Since I was in Paris meeting some friends for the first time, I asked Camille to make me a custom T-shirt with a new domain name on it, as you do. I wanted to put something simple on it just to have fun with people, but I completely lost control and created a website protected with authentication via Discord that used the OpenAI APIs to generate some text and frankly terrifying images. It was a fun project. I still don’t know what to shit about AI, but it was a good opportunity to learn something new and code something dumb.

That’s all my tired brain and I can think of right now.