I bought an Oristand!

Standing desks have been pretty popular in the past few years. Something about how sitting in a chair for ten hours straight not being super good for your back or your heart. I know it should be higher on my list but because the average standing desk cost a few hundred dollars and because I don’t work from home that much, I’ve been postponing buying one for a while. That’s why I got super interested when I saw the good compromise Oristand was offering. I’m writing this post standing in front of it and I must say it feels really good.

Oristand on my desk

I’m not gonna lie: when I opened the package it did felt pretty cheap and I questioned my decision. Did I really just buy a 25$ piece of cardboard? But then I put it on my desk with my laptop, a keyboard and a trackpad.

Oristand on my desk

The height is perfect for me. Although I do enjoy working in a cafe from time to time, I’m one of those not really cool kids who prefers working on his desk with a big screen instead of using the one of a super tiny laptop. I’ve been writing and coding on this one for the past two hours and I felt super confortable. The only thing I’m probably going to need is some kind of padded floor mat as it was suggested to me by my good friend Angelo.

Oristand on my desk

The future will tell me if I made a good decision but for now I think I did. I feel a lot more productive when I don’t have to crack my neck every 10 minutes. I still want a cool futuristic electric standing desk to play with but for now, this awesome piece of eco-friendly recyclable cardboard will do just fine.