Notes about In App Purchase validation on Android

I mentioned in an earlier post that I’d started dabbling with Android. This incredible journey brought me to the realm of in-app purchase validation which is part of what the Google Cloud Platform offers. This is ideal if you already use one of the dozen services they provide, like BigQuery and such. In my case, all I was looking for was a way to validate my purchases, so I found the documentation a little bit overwhelming and got lost quite a few times. Since nearly broke my sanity, I figured I would share what I’ve learned.

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2025 - Week 04

  • 🧶 My friend finally received the gift I built for him as part of a Secret Santa, you can see the pictures on my mastodon profile. I’ve tackled a few projects like this in 2024 and it’s been stimulating, although just like programming or I guess any other activity, I drastically underestimated the amount of time it took me.

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Scrobbler, No Scrobbling!

An illustration of the character from Dora The Explorer named Swiper. He's wearing a Nickelback red T-shirt, a blue bandana and blue gloes. He's also wearing headphones and listening to music. On the Right is a decrepit sign that shows the logo and you can distinguish the word Palleas.

I stopped using a while ago for reasons I can’t explain without using the shrug emoji. From discovering new artists using recommendations to having a pointless competition with friends about your total number of “scrobbled” songs, as well as starting to dabble with APIs and building fun stuff, I used to love Today I ran into a post from Niléane about her profile and it made me wanna write about it.

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